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What is a weave vs wig?

A weave and a wig are both hair extensions, but they differ in their application and overall usage. A weave refers to hair extensions that are sewn or bonded into the natural hair, typically in tracks or rows, to add length, volume, or color. Weave hair are attached close to the scalp and meld seamlessly with the natural hair, allowing for versatile styling options. They are considered semi-permanent and require regular maintenance to upkeep.
On the other hand, a wig is a complete hairpiece that covers the entire scalp and is worn on top of the natural hair. Wigs can be secured using clips, combs, or adhesive, offering a quick and convenient way to change hairstyles or conceal hair loss. They are versatile and can be easily removed and reattached, making them ideal for those who want to switch up their look frequently. Overall, while weaves offer a more permanent solution for hair enhancement, wigs provide a temporary and easily customizable option for styling.