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Are closures bad for your hair?

Closures are not inherently bad for your hair; in fact, they can be a protective and versatile styling option. Here are some considerations:

Protective Styling: Closures act as a barrier to shield your natural hair from outside influences, styling products, and manipulation. This can reduce damage and encourage healthier hair.
Versatility: Closures provide stylistic variety. Choosing a closure that is straight, curly, or wavy lets you switch up your hairdo without affecting your natural hair. This adaptability may help keep the integrity of your hair intact.
Reduced Heat Styling: With a closure, you can achieve different looks without the need for excessive heat styling on your natural hair. This helps prevent heat-related damage and promotes overall hair health.
Minimal Tension: Closures are installed with minimal tension on your natural hair. Proper installation techniques ensure that your hair remains undamaged, reducing the risk of breakage and stress.
Ease of Maintenance: Closures require less day-to-day maintenance compared to constantly styling and manipulating your natural hair. This break can be beneficial for the overall health of your hair.

But installation, upkeep, and care must be done correctly. Make sure a qualified professional installs the closures, and take care of your hair gently. Selecting virgin hair of the highest caliber for your closure adds even more to the happy experience. In summary, when worn sensibly and in concert with proper hair care techniques, closures can be a fashionable and protective option.