jinqJs is a small, simple, lightweight and extensible javaScript library that has no dependencies. jinqJs provides a simple way to perform SQL like queries on javaScript arrays, collections and web services that return a JSON response. jinqJs is similar to Microsoft's Lambda expression for .Net, and it provides similar capabilities to query collections using a SQL like syntax and predicate functionality. jinqJs’s purpose is to provide a SQL like experience to programmers familiar with LINQ queries. jinqJs can also be used to update and delete records in a javaScript collection in addition to querying. Want to add a new feature? As described in the extensibility section, jinqJs provides a plug-in architecture for developers to customize and add behavior.

JinqJs provides the following functionality: select, calculated columns, from, inner join, outer join, full join, distinct, union all, identity, update, delete, where, skip, top, bottom, order by asc/desc, group by, aggregates (count, sum, min, max, avg).

-Tom Ford